Thursday, 20 November 2008

New website coming soon

Hello there. Tom Wateracre here.

I'm mashing my website like a swede and remodelling it into a brand new whizzy website which will encompass all areas of my life. Well, not all areas, just the interesting ones.

That will mean that it will look a bit messy round here for a bit. Please hang on, as normal - if not actively better - service will be resumed soon.


Monday, 10 November 2008

Act/React: The King Of Spain

I made a new half-hour show for the lovely people at Upstart Theatre on the 10th November, and they were kind enough to put some video highlights up on YouTube. Here they are, for your delectation!

The website of Tom Wateracre

About Me

My photo
London, United Kingdom
Writer, Screenwriter. Born in the late Seventies. Likes marzipan.